Up Close and Palaeo

dinosaur jaw

Grades 9 – 12
$165 per program
45 minutes
Maximum 35 participants

Learn about palaeontology from one of the Museum’s curators, including what it takes to become a palaeontologist, and how research is conducted following the scientific method. The program concludes with a discussion period. Have your questions answered by a palaeontologist!

Please Note:

Available to the general public.

Email the Bookings Office for pricing and availability of this program for large public groups or events.

Curriculum Connections

Grade 9: Science – Biological Diversity; Health – Life Roles and Career Development

Grade 10: Science 10 – Energy Flow in Global Systems; C.A.L.M. – Career and Life Choices

Grade 11: Science 20 – The Changing Earth, Changes in Living Systems; Biology 20 – The Biosphere; C.A.L.M. – Career and Life Choices

Grade 12: Biology 30 – Changes in Populations and Communities; C.A.L.M. – Career and Life Choices

Online Learning

Contact Our Bookings Office

Office Hours
Monday – Friday
8:15 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (MT)

Toll-free in Alberta
310-0000 then (403) 823-7707

Toll-free in North America (outside Alberta)

Outside North America
