PIQ: Test Your Palaeo Intelligence

An educator holds a skull of a sabre-toothed cat.

Kindergarten – Grade 2
$135 per program
45 minutes
Maximum 25 students

A fun and interactive program for young students! Working in teams to complete educational games, students must help dinosaurs escape from an erupting volcano. Students will share ideas and enjoy collaboration as they identify fossils, name dinosaurs, and guess what the creatures would eat for lunch!

Curriculum Connections

Kindergarten: Science – Movements of Animals; Examine and Describe Environments

Grade 1: Science – Understanding Movement; Environmental Change; Needs of Animals and Plants; Scientific Investigation

Grade 2: Science – Earth and Landforms; Growth of Animals and Plants; Investigation Methods

Teacher Resource Guide
Online Learning

Contact Our Bookings Office

Office Hours
Monday – Friday
8:15 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (MT)

Toll-free in Alberta
310-0000 then (403) 823-7707

Toll-free in North America (outside Alberta)

Outside North America
